Sunnybrook Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

July 9, 2023

1.       Call to order – meeting called to order by Adam at 4:05

a.       Attendance -Stephany, Adam, Jonathan, Marlene and Randy

2.       Old business

a.       All meeting notes have been approved.

                                                               i.       4/25/19 BOD

                                                             ii.      10/27/19 BOD

                                                           iii.      11/7/21 BOD

                                                           iv.      10/26/22 BOD

                                                             v.      12/18/22 BOD

                                                           vi.      1/19/23 BOD

b.       All votes between 4/22/2019 and 07/09/2023 have been approved.  Votes outside of the BOD meetings are documented in the HOA portal.

Passed Voting Results Report - 2019-04-22 to 2023-07-09
Account Name    Issue    Date Voted    Issue Title
Sunny Brook Place    4690    4/22/2019    ACC Deck Request
Sunny Brook Place    4748    5/2/2019    Shed Was Altered And Now One Side Is Light Blue, Doesn't Match Other Sides Or House
Sunny Brook Place    4751    5/3/2019    Request To Waive Late Fee
Sunny Brook Place    4804    5/15/2019    Shed Request
Sunny Brook Place    4932    6/3/2019    Replace Back Fence Not Visible Or Adjacent To SBP Owners
Sunny Brook Place    4932    6/3/2019    Replace Back Fence Not Visible Or Adjacent To SBP Owners
Sunny Brook Place    4736    6/13/2019    Replacing Old Fence
Sunny Brook Place    5491    7/31/2019    Paint Color Change Request
Sunny Brook Place    6057    10/26/2019    Re-Roofing With Brown Composite Shingles
Sunny Brook Place    6097    12/13/2019    Gutter Replacement In Non White Color ACC Request
Sunny Brook Place    8459    3/17/2020    Paint Color Change Request
Sunny Brook Place    9529    4/3/2020    Bark And Pressure Washing
Sunny Brook Place    9753    5/6/2020    Request To Waive Late Charges
Sunny Brook Place    9956    6/3/2020    Paint Color Change Request
Sunny Brook Place    10008    6/10/2020    Request To Paint Facade Bricks Black
Sunny Brook Place    10021    6/15/2020    Paint Color Change Request
Sunny Brook Place    10036    6/17/2020    Paint Color Change Request
Sunny Brook Place    10082    6/18/2020    Business Use Of Home Suspected By Neighbors
Sunny Brook Place    10174    6/28/2020    Remove Tree And Install Privacy Fence
Sunny Brook Place    10036    7/3/2020    Paint Color Change Request
Sunny Brook Place    10338    7/9/2020    Paint Purchase For The Walking Path Fence
Sunny Brook Place    10370    7/13/2020    Lien Warning Proposed Followed By Filing If No Response--Paid In Full
Sunny Brook Place    11074    10/18/2020    2021 Mgt Proposed Budget For Board Approval And Mtg Notice And Agenda
Sunny Brook Place    11573    2/12/2021    Vote To Change Insurance Coverage At Amfam To New Fusion Policy For $340 Savings Annually
Sunny Brook Place    11573    2/12/2021    Vote To Change Insurance Coverage At Amfam To New Fusion Policy For $340 Savings Annually
Sunny Brook Place    12677    7/10/2021    Wheelchair Access Ramps In Front And Backyards
Sunny Brook Place    12768    7/20/2021    Acc Paint Color Change
Sunny Brook Place    13096    9/22/2021    ACC New Garage Door Style
Sunny Brook Place    13532    10/18/2021    2022 Mgt Recommended Budget--Board Approved
Sunny Brook Place    13876    12/29/2021    ACC Gazebo Request
Sunny Brook Place    14135    2/9/2022    Cease And Desist Order
Sunny Brook Place    13544    2/10/2022    Finish Painting The Fence-Neighbor Requested Weather Ext
Sunny Brook Place    14105    2/24/2022    Vote To Approve MYHOA To Sign 2021 Engagement & Tax Filing Dx
Sunny Brook Place    14353    3/23/2022    ACC Shed Request
Sunny Brook Place    14841    5/4/2022    Appropriations For $100 Unbudgeted For Community BBQ To Reimburse Board
Sunny Brook Place    15273    6/25/2022    ACC Request For Shed
Sunny Brook Place    16316    8/15/2022    ACC Paint Color Change Request
Sunny Brook Place    17044    9/19/2022    ACC Request Paint House
Sunny Brook Place    17795    11/13/2022    2023 Mgt Rec Budget, Meeting Notice And Agenda For Board Approval
Sunny Brook Place    17902    1/4/2023    ACC Fence Style Change
Sunny Brook Place    17889    2/27/2023    Fence Blown Down--Vote For Estate Fence Bid $4191.51 From Reserves To Split W Owner
Sunny Brook Place    18338    2/28/2023    Vote To Approve Estate Fence Right Side Perimeter Repairs $968.88 From Ops Account
Sunny Brook Place    18408    3/20/2023    Painting Of Fence And Monument $5750 Pl Tx SK Install Dba Black Pearl Painting
Sunny Brook Place    18426    3/23/2023    Owner Requests Hardship Waiver Of Late Fee
Sunny Brook Place    18524    4/5/2023    Waiver Of Late Fees Requested
Sunny Brook Place    18665    4/27/2023    ACC Request Privacy Trees
Sunny Brook Place    18673    5/1/2023    Reimbursement Of $20 For Monument Project Water To Lonnie Harris
Sunny Brook Place    18801    5/17/2023    ACC Garage Door Change
Sunny Brook Place    19071    5/24/2023    ACC To Add Solar Panels
Sunny Brook Place    19215    6/2/2023    Vote To Have SLP Update Collection Policy SLP Appr $400/Vote To Adopt Policy
Sunny Brook Place    19607    7/5/2023    2022 Tax Year 1120H For Board Approval And Then President Signature
Sunny Brook Place    19572    7/6/2023    Vote To Approve Cost And Mailing Of Right Of Way Maint Postcard-Draft Verbiage Vote

Failed Voting Results Report - 2019-04-22 to 2023-07-09
Account Name    Issue    Date Voted    Issue Title
Sunny Brook Place    5509    11/8/2019    Reserve Study Recommended

3.       New Business

a.       NNO 2023 –scheduled for 8/1 6:00 -8:00

                                                               i.      Adam signed up for NNO, signed up visitors from city to come.

                                                             ii.      Jonathan shopping for food as Adam isn’t available.

                                                           iii.      Location will be held in front of Adam’s house- where we have shade.

                                                           iv.      Adam will see what supplies are left from previous years (plates, napkins, utensils) and let Jonathan know.

b.       Waiving of split dues fee

                                                               i.      Choice is either pay the late fee $50 or pay the split fee $25.

                                                             ii.      Split fee will not be waived – request denied.

                                                           iii.      Owner can either pay the split fee of$25 or pay the late charge of $50.  We will not waive the fee - he has the choice of paying $25 or $50 related to the HOA dues as there were multiple communications about the HOA dues not just the annual meeting.

                                                           iv.      Marlene to post on the issue the decision.

c.       Solar panels – owners wanting solar follow the same ACC process as with other projects, as below:

                                                               i.      Neighbors affected would sign off on the ACC form and can review the installation details.

                                                             ii.      Owner submits the ACC form with the installation plans from the company through the HOA portal

                                                           iii.      Board will review the details of the solar installation for final approval when the ACC form is turned in.

                                                           iv.      Motion made to approve – all approved.

d.       Post card statement

                                                               i.      Modify post card:   Sidewalks, driveway, curbs to the street must be clear of weeds, grass and moss per the CC&Rs article 5.

                                                             ii.      Zach will need to start cleaning the areas that he mows for us

1.       Once a year – have the path on 117th street be cleared of moss.

2.       Randy will reach out to Zac.

e.       Fireworks Rule - $250 per household fine if caught setting off illegal fireworks.

                                                               i.      Failing to clean up is another $100 fine per household involved.

                                                             ii.      Special assessment for every household for clean-up per household to hire a professional street cleaner if the offenders don’t clean up after themself.

                                                           iii.      1 yr + 1day expiration for offenders for fine

                                                           iv.      End of the year meeting discussion

                                                             v.      Ask Eydie if we need to get residents’ approval for changes.

1.       Can we add this to the CC&R’s or add outside of the CC&R.

f.        Monuments – showing where the money is going from the HOA fees by continuing to improve the monument area.

                                                               i.      Turf or pavers - Motion made to approve for pavers.

                                                             ii.      Plan to replace grass near monuments with pavers -plants will remain.

1.       Randy and Adam to get 3 quotes.

2.       Same photo of choice will be shared with contractors – cap of $10,000.

3.       Votes to be held after quotes are received.

4.       Next HOA meeting: Nov 5th 3:00

a.       Zoom or Teams meeting.

b.       Benefits of Attending a HOA meeting allows you to vote on issues to support the neighborhood. (Add to notice for the annual meeting)

5.       Motion to Adjourn –Meeting adjourned by Adam at 5:55pm


 7/10 - Amended for clarification on items changed in blue text for Board’s review.

NOTE: in talking with Eydie after the meeting it was determined additional legal consult would be needed to find a way to legally implement such a rule and fine process which doesn’t match what we currently do and would likely not hold up legally—this policy change is on hold while we research.


MGT note: Solar is not something that can be disapproved but you don't need a legal consult you just review for aesthetics only. The policy in question is the fence replacement/repair process.